Thursday, February 7, 2008

Library Fairies and Voting Blues

So I have to say, especially after my last comments about the Library Phenomenon. So I think the Library fairy has recruited some other little magic fairies to help us out here at Kearns. Why do I say this? First of all, we haven't had any big fights ever since they started the bathroom parties... and thats a great trade. And second, the kids are smiling a lot more here, and even.. they come up to the desk and ask for papers to color - from me!!! Chris!! I made some little friends!!! Today a couple different kids actually started getting annoying because they were following me around as I was doing my work... it's nice that I can see that the kids are getting used to me, but I don't know... having little 14 year olds following me around because they don't have anything better to do is not my idea of fun... but hey, at least the library fairies are keeping the kids happy. (and no, by fairies I don't mean any sort of drug.. I only mean to give credit to something unseen and completly illogical, as are all things good coming from teenagers). Also, I think one of those fairies keeps dropping little books into my book drop, making me work instead of blog! How dare he!
So I had to also mention the wonderful opportunity that i gave Chris on Voting Day, to accompany me as a POll Worker at a Junior High School. The fun part was the cool big band era music they played in between classes. Yea, that was the fun part, and hearing all the kids ask for "I Voted" stickers and to vote for Romney... that was fun. I'm glad they are actually at all interested in thier countries future. Kudos go to some great Social Studies teacher. But other than that, the lines.. the irritated "unaffiliated" people, the sitting for 15 hours, and the runs to the bathroom after sharing a 2 liter Rootbeer, were all not exactly ideal. But hey, it was fun to hang out with Chris all day and get paid for it, and the pizza was actually really good. But, yes, I'm sorry Chris. Next year I'll let you vote instead of working the voting booths. Then hopefully you won't have to wait in line for 16 hours...

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